Wise Choice: Speak Up: The Persistent Widow

Here is another story from the curriculum that I have been working on.

Dare to Make the Wise Choice: Speak Up

Parable of the Persistent Widow

Luke 18:1-8

Today’s story is found in the New Testament and it a parable that Jesus told his disciples while he was on earth. A parable is a story with a purpose and a lesson. When Jesus was with his disciples he taught them real life lessons and how they applied to their lives. He told them this parable to teach them about how much God cares about his people and wants them to pray to him.

This parable is about a woman who was a widow, this means that her husband had died. This was a problem for her because in that time women were not able to do a lot for themselves and they had to rely on the men in their lives to support and protect them. So this woman had lost her husband and now she was having some legal trouble and did not have anyone to help her.

Because she was having trouble, and she did not have anyone to help her, she went to the judge in town to ask him for help. But the judge in her town was mean, he did not care about the people in his town or what they thought of him. He also did not fear God or care about God’s people.

Instead of helping the widow when she asked for help the first time, he turned her away refusing to help her. But the widow did not back down. She really needed help and she was determined to get it. So she came back and he ignored her again. And she came back and he ignored her again. And so on, until finally the judge got so tired of her coming and asking for help every day that he gave in and helped the widow.

Do you think God is like this mean judge? He is not. God cares about his people and is ready and willing to help them. We can pray to God, that is talking to him. We can talk to him about everything, good things, bad things, even simple things like how our day is going.

The widow in this parable Dared to Speak Up to the judge who refuse to help her until he finally did. We can Dare to Speak to God and he will not refuse to help us like the judge in the parable, he wants us to ask for help because he really wants to help us.

Memory Verse for the Week

Joshua 1:9

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Thank goodness that God is not like the mean judge in this parable that Jesus shared with his disciples. God wants to hear our prayers. God wants good things for his children, He wants to take care of us.

The Bible verse paired with this weeks topic, Joshua 1:9, is one of my favorite verses. It is easy for me to get discouraged, but God tells us that we don’t have to be discouraged because He is with us wherever we go.

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